Re: free markets:programing in Opensource

Date: Wed Jun 20 2001 - 17:20:21 MDT

"Alex F. Bokov" wrote:

> Of course, the savvy searcher could do a web-search that excludes
> the other popular echelon phrases...

Echelon doesn't do keywords, it does advanced semantic analysis.
It may use triggers as a first stage, especially on single-tap
high-bandwidth links, but the subsequent stages are a lot more
advanced. Of course your database slot gets filled with garbage,
but the data warehousing ignores garbage. They cut to the meat.

They might even use tainting to filter out the false positives.
You might be on Echelon shit list already, so you can stop
posting the keywords. You can't overwhelm ASIC banks with
keywords anyway, and storage and computation is so cheap you
can store and use data warehousing on the world's email traffic
on a shoestring budget. Heck, right now you can have a
100 TBytes data warehouse for about a megabuck for hardware, not
including air conditioning and operation costs. And that's active
storage, not just tape library.

-- Eugen* Leitl
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