RE: Political views?

From: Harvey Newstrom (
Date: Wed Jun 20 2001 - 07:33:48 MDT

Spike Jones wrote,
> Secondly, this last U.S. presidential
> election, I am convinced that the second place finisher of that struggle,
> {whose name escapes me at the moment} cheated even more than
> the winner of that contest {whose name escapes me at the moment}.

Not me. Living through the experience in Florida, I saw major cheating on
*both* sides. I am not just being diplomatic here. Most people don't
realize that disputes and cases had to be filed an processed at the county
level and escalate to the major court cases we saw. Both sides initiated
these complaints in all counties. Both sides also argued all sides of all
issues in different locations to see which arguments would survive to the
next level. It was very bizarre and illogical. The complex mess reported
by the media was the "short" version of events. I tried to keep track of
this, and there were literally tens of thousands of votes in dispute, with
illegal actions on both sides of the aisle. I think it is silly to even try
to figure out who cheated more when both sides obviously cheated as much as
they could. The Florida election strengthened my disgust of both major
political parties.

> > (By the way, thanks for the hospitality after the Extro-5 conference! I
> > remember most of it.)
> You are most welcome Harvey. Im extremely pleased to have met
> you, and I had a blast Sunday night, with the maniacal laughter
> contest. I *gotta* show that tape we made at the next Extro-schmooze.

Oh, oh. I forgot about the tape! Should I start the bidding now? This
week's paycheck might open negotiations for that tape.... I could get it
professionally edited for you, but I would need the original and all copies.
You probably should keep it locked up for safe keeping. Did I mentions my
security company does that? We also should put some magnetic locks on it to
keep it from getting accidentally erased. Also remember to keep it moist,
we wouldn't want the tape to dry up inside. And remember that every time
you play it, its quality degrades. Oh, and I forgot to mention the
possibility of catching VCR viruses if you try to copy it! And you might
want to wipe off any fingerprints on the tape. Be sure to rub both sides of
the tape with lots of alcohol. Microwaving it would help dry the alcohol
afterwards. I'll send you more ideas as I think of them. (And did I
mention my first paycheck is in the mail?)

Harvey Newstrom <> <>

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