Re: Political views?

From: Joe Dees (
Date: Wed Jun 20 2001 - 00:28:58 MDT

('binary' encoding is not supported, stored as-is) > "Olga Bourlin" <> <> Re: Political views?Date: Tue, 19 Jun 2001 22:02:09 -0700
>> Harvey Newstrom wrote:
>> > Spike Jones wrote,
>> > > Libertarian, but still carrying some heavy Republican baggage.
>> > >
>> > Wonderful description, Spike! I am the opposite: ... I come from a
>> >
>> > background and can slip back into it when I'm not thinking.
>Having been under the impression that I came to my own liberal foreground
>because of a propensity to think (at least I've thought so, all these
>years), I decided to investigate libertarianism a bit, and what I found were
>many sites where libertarians, gun advocates, Branch Davidians, homegrown
>militias and the like are linked. What's the difference? What are the
>similarities? Even in the best light, libertarianism seems like such a
>throwback. Is there are contradiction here? Extroprians looking forward by
>looking back? (Arty, in any case.)
>This is just one example of the type of stuff I found:
>They are Not Libertarians
>We are tired of groups like the ACLU and the NAACP being referred to, and
>referring themselves as "civil libertarians". While we could debate the
>"civil" part, there is no debate on the "libertarian" part. These
>"libertarians" believe that you have no rights under the second amendment.
>These "libertarians" believe that you should be forced to pay to educate (or
>not educate) other peoples children. For these "libertarians",
>free-expression only counts for vulgar art. True libertarians see the Second
>amendment as important as the First. They see education as a private and not
>a "village" affair. To the real libertarians free expression does not mean
>you should be forced to fund art you find objectionable. From now on, we
>should call these people what they are; liberal socialists.
The rhetoric, propaganda and raw bilous hatred of such social, economic, political and technological Luddites is unmistakeable, regardless of what labels in which they poorly attempt to clothe themselves and those who disagree with their reactionary agendas. Remember, OK City Timmy's best prison buddy was Unabomber Ted.

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