Re: SV: The problem with transhumanism

From: dwayne (
Date: Sun Jun 17 2001 - 05:21:12 MDT

> In a message dated 6/16/2001 7:01:03 AM Eastern Daylight Time,
> writes:
> << I know some anarchists in Sweden. They'd be incensed by this portrayal.
> What basis do
> you have for this comment?
> Dwayne >>
> Dwayne, that they'd have been incensed by such a portrayal, for some perverse
> reason, delights me.

That is both big, and progressive of you. Well done.

> My familiarity with such people (domestically)

So you are labelling a bunch of swedes based on your experience of American anarchists?

> seems to
> have been a good baseline for their opinions, attitudes, and beliefs, to
> support what I had said. In other words, they denote such politics, because,
> taken to its logical conclusions, they end up being commies or nazis.

Are you even slightly familiar with anarchist political theory?

> Also, I
> have read some of the material published by aggregations of such
> "protesters", where else can they go with this? Discussion-wise, where else
> can we go? ;-) Same bunch to recruit from. Same goes with statist commies.

I'll just point out that it is EXACTLY this sort of snide bullshit, as well as the last
thing I read by "John Clark" which keeps me from contributing to this list, and gives
the entire extropian movement the reputation of a "cult"

Someone I know once said "while you're looking in my backyard, there are weeds growing
in yours"
Worth considering.

> You think its just coincidence that hitler-loving has risen in the last
> decade in Sweden?

Compared to the US?

> But rather then bash Sweden, all I am saying is that in the
> USA, had such organized riots occurred, there would have been body counts
> posted because we are a yet more violent society.

That might be what you are saying now, but it is not what you said.
This will once again turn into posturing and manifest destiny-ism, so I'm not going to
get into this too much, but there's a hell of lot of mutual back-slapping going on in
these parts, coupled with unwarranted hostility to new ideas. Al had the right idea,
he's new. I agree, and i've been subbed to this list on and off since 1993 or so. I'd
rather read discussion than dismissal, especially trite, simplistic dismissal.


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