Re: What to do?

From: Olga Bourlin (
Date: Sat Jun 16 2001 - 21:18:57 MDT

> So what should we do? We need intellectuals. I use this word according to
F. A. Hayek's definition.

> The intellectual is neither an original thinker nor an expert. Indeed he
need not even be intelligent. What he needs to possess is the ability to
speak and write on wide range of subjects; and a way of becoming familiar
with new ideas earlier than his audience.

Beg to differ. I do think an intellectual needs to be intelligent, and
read-look-listen (a lot), think (well), and understand and interrelate ideas
(becoming an juggler/interdisciplinarian of sorts) if he/she were to write
or speak on various topics. I've known and have read about many (what Paul
Goodman described as) "craft idiots" in my life - maybe the "original
thinkers" or "experts" in F. A. Hayek's definition above (which may include
"geniuses") - but intellectuals are rare. I've thought that intellectuals
would possess intelligence, at the very least - if anyone would. But maybe
I've been wrong all these years in my understanding of what intelligence is.

Olga Bourlin

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