Re: SV: The problem with transhumanism

From: Samantha Atkins (
Date: Sat Jun 16 2001 - 02:01:27 MDT

Waldemar Inghdahl wrote:
> When writing this I am watching the coverage of Swedish television of the street battles raging in the city of Gothenburg, in conjunction to the EU- summit (that US president Bush attended). The luddite, stasist, anti- globalist demonstrators from a global network have pillaged, vandalised and looted the city. They have attacked

I don't condone their actions in the least but I myself am
anti-globalist. It is difficult enough to deal with one
power-mad statist government(US) and have some freedom to play
governments off against each other or move assets
out-of-country. It is another matter entirely when there is
only one government or they all agree to uphold each others
legal decisions regardless of whether you agreed to the other
country's politics or jurisdiction at all. There is a huge
threat to freedom in this sort of proliferation of either a
global state or (worse) global enforcement of local judicial

Just because a bunch of lunatics demonstrated against some of
these things doesn't mean there is nothing worth opposing in any
of their causes. Some of them are our causes too.


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