Re: MOVIES: possible favorites in the pipeline

From: mike (
Date: Fri Jun 15 2001 - 11:00:18 MDT

Well, since we are getting campy, I should mention Evil Dead 3: Army of
Darkness. Its a 'horror' movie that not only is so bad that its good, it
can't seem to take itself seriously either. Oh, and did I mention that
according to the literary analysis skills I learned in school, this movie is
heavily extropic:

Bruce Campbell plays an average guy who is thrust back into the dark ages by
an evil force, where he is taken prisoner by ignorant small minded
barbarians who spend more time fighting amongst themselves than to fight the
real threat: the Deadites (i.e. the Luddites). Bruce quickly takes over the
show with his mastery of 20th century technology and science, and even
becomes a cyborg (mechanical hand), in the course of battling the 'army of
darkness' made up of deadites resurrected by Bruce's evil twin. The center
object of everyone's attraction is the Book of the Dead (obviously a
nanotechnolgy and memetic engineering manual) that can raise the dead, and
send Bruce back forward in time to his dead end job working at S-mart "Shop
Smart, shop SSSSSSS- mart."

Michael Wiik wrote:

> Samantha Atkins wrote:
> > John Clark wrote:
> > >
> > > I wish they'd remake Forbidden Planet.
> > >
> > > John K Clark
> >
> > What? It is a wonderful classic. Leave it alone.
> > Make more modern movies as good for this time as that
> > one was in its time (and for a long time afterward).
> >
> > - - samantha
> I agree with you, Samantha. A couple years ago I heard plans for a
> remake of this flick and thought, 'My God, Why?!?'
> It's one of my fave films, I even have the soundtrack on CD and the book
> (which is actually pretty terrible and for me, unreadable).
> -Mike
> --
> ======================================================================
> Michael Wiik
> Principal
> Messagenet Communications Research
> Washington DC Area Internet and WWW Consultants
> ======================================================================

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