Back in da hood

From: Waldemar Inghdahl (
Date: Fri Jun 15 2001 - 06:00:00 MDT

Hello everybody, I' m back on this list. As you may notice from my e- mail adress some things have changed during the last year.

The Swedish Transhumanist Association is dead and buried. Good riddance. Because in it's place is now the Eudoxa think- tank. It is a commercial, transhumanist think tank (actually Sweden's first commercial think tank too) that has published articles in magazines (particularly that of the think tank of the Swedish Employers' Association), held speaches (for instance on the conferences of the Swedish Army, The Museum of Technical History of Stockholm).

It is time to go professional, and conquer the commanding heights of philosophy. But hold your horses because we have a lot of problems.


Waldemar Ingdahl

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