Re: META: To my fellow Extropians

From: Samantha Atkins (
Date: Sun Jun 10 2001 - 04:42:40 MDT

Mike Lorrey wrote:
> Brian Atkins wrote:
> >
> > Do you see a difference? The more recent times spend a lot of time shooting
> > the breeze about current headlines, very little speculation or critical
> > thinking about the future. In other words the extropians list has become
> > little more than a current events chat list. Ok so it's not that bad, there
> > are still plenty of good threads... but you can see it shifting.
> Its something I've been noticing, but I think its because many of the subjects we
> were talking of then have or are becoming mainstream news, or else are becoming
> bogged down by present day politics. There is also an effort by people like Greg,
> Spike, myself and others to focus on present day activism to counter the current day
> forces that threaten the further development of our futuristic plans/projections.
> Dreaming about the future is useless when you are living in a concentration camp.

I have seen some purple prose in my time, I've even written my
share, but calling the situation most of us live uder a
"concentration camp" has got to take the prize!

> Ignoring the luddites of today is a self defeating strategy of denial, they are a
> HUGE threat to the ideas we have been talking about since 1996. I suppose we might
> make a separate list (as I have) for those interested in focusing on present day
> activism, and I understand that some may not have the time to spend focusing on such
> a non-business entity like an activist organization, but denial of the problem is
> not a good way to go about it....

Nor is inflating it out of proportion and rushing off to "do
something" before you even have a good idea of what you wish to

- samantha

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