Re: Stealth tech vs mobile phones

From: Eugene Leitl (
Date: Wed Jun 13 2001 - 10:28:56 MDT

On Wed, 13 Jun 2001, Chuck Kuecker wrote:

> How does any kind of radio jammer destroy the power grid, or any
> network not relying on radio? It takes a huge level of radiated RF to
> bring down power distribution - NEMP levels - and a smaller, but still
> large power

What's wrong with NEMP? It's just a nuke, or a number of them. Nukes are

> level to disrupt a PC sitting on the ground a few thousand feet from
> the plane. A PC network inside a steel frame building would be very
> difficult to bring down with a radio transmitter of the type you are
> proposing, as would the land line phone network. The best you could
> hope for with a power grid is to force it to go to backup
> communications with its' plants.

Cellular base stations are intrinsically vulnerable. They're are great
many, but a NEMP blankets larger areas.

> I get a kick out of the scenario - I think it was on the Discover
> Channel a while back - of a "munition" that could be hand-carried into
> an area and on "detonation" (silent?) would bring down all the

The portable versions high-explosive-pumped, and thus hardly what you'd
call silent. Supposedly, larger versions are gas turbine powered, and can
kill a soft target in front of the radiator by the EMP pulse.

> electrical systems and electronics in a couple hundred yard area.
> Supposedly, the Soviets came up with an "EMP grenade", but I have
> never seen a plausible description of how it would work.The people who

Is plausible enough for
ya? ;)

> propose this kind of thing obviously have never taken a course in
> fields and waves, or even basic electricity. Until I see a technical
> description of one of these devices, or see one deployed, I will
> refuse to believe in them.

EMP ain't NEMP, but it's still useful, especially against a non-hardened

> Of course, one could always fly an AWACS plane into a substation...

-- Eugen* Leitl
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