Re: Encoding the past (was: power)

Date: Tue Jun 12 2001 - 04:49:22 MDT

In a message dated 6/11/2001 4:46:42 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

<< Once detected, it's an inverse
 problem to determine what processes brought that encoded object (dust)
 to the detector. The particle wouldn't have reached the detector
 unless its initial motion, material properties, the intervening plasma
 and magnetic field held particular values. Slightly changing
 any of these parameters gives drastically different dust dynamical
 behavior (via the charge in the Lorentz force, which is, _by far_,
 the dominant force acting on submicron circum/interplanetary and
 interstellar dust particles), so then we know quickly about
 where that object came from, and what is (in) the intervening medium. >>

Question: Could a Jupiter Mind use ambient dust to re-create Og the Caveman
and the environment he dwelt in, some 64,000 years ago?

Question: How might the Jupiter-class, Mind differentiate the particles that
had intermixed with Herr Docktor Caveman Og of some 64,000 years ago; versus
dust containing data of not 64,000 years ago, but the Pre-Cambrian?

Congrats on your dissertation! Your work appears to make a dusty, old, topic,


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