Re: nuclear energy

Date: Mon Jun 11 2001 - 09:41:38 MDT

In a message dated 6/11/2001 5:07:06 AM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

<< Ethanol and methanol are two different kind of animals. Ethanol typically
     means biomass, methanol petrochemicals and/or biomass, via the synthesis
     gas route. >>

Another name for methanol is "wood alcohol." Synthesis gas is simply that,
of course, not gasoline. Unless you are considering running your motor
vehicle on methane?

    <<Ethanol via biomass is a truly lousy fuel, unless Robert can engineer
roof mat which photosynthesizes ethanol instead of sugar.

      -- Eugen* Leitl>>

Biochemists at the University of Colorado at Boulder have developed a means
of reducing costs and increasing production of ethanol fuel, by using
hydrothermal baterial reactions (from bateria from Yellowstone's geysers) to
process all manner of celluslose into (not methanol) but ethanol fuel.
Whether this will prove to nothing but a laboratory curiosity or a new
industry is anyone's guess. It needs to be factored in though.


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