Re: duplicates are the "same"

From: John Clark (
Date: Mon Jun 11 2001 - 09:00:44 MDT

>>if the memories were merged you would have the experience of
> >living several lives in parallel. Might be fun.

J. Goard <> Wrote:

> A non sequitor.

How so?

>What if you don't expect them to ever be merged in any significant way?

Then obviously they would remain separate people. But it doesn't matter
what I expect to happen, the only important thing is what happens.

>Would you expect to experience being each of them, at the same time?

Experience is memory so If their memories were later merged then yes, I would
have lives in parallel. If not merged then of course no.

> If something is a duplicate of me, then it doesn't have an awareness extending
> across several bodies, because I don't have such a thing,

Why to you imagine I disagree with that? The merged being would not be a
duplicate of me either, but it would be interesting.

>If you believe that by duplicating a body, a single awareness will then
>coexist across the multiple bodies[...]

I don't.

     John K Clark

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