Re: META: To my fellow Extropians

From: Mike Lorrey (
Date: Sun Jun 10 2001 - 01:55:35 MDT

Harvey Newstrom wrote:

> Mike Lorrey wrote,
> > There is also an effort by people like Greg,
> > Spike, myself and others to focus on present day activism to
> > counter the current day forces that threaten the further development of
> our futuristic
> > plans/projections. Dreaming about the future is useless when you are
> living in a
> > concentration camp.
> Welcome back, Mike! It's good to see you on the list again.

Thanks. I've been FAFIATED by dire economic circumstances of late (I'm still
interested in coming to extro5, and may be able to come up with a air ticket so
if Shaun is still in need of volunteers, I'm still draftable, though in a bit
of a quantum state at the moment. Sorry about this all. My Datamann mail
account I couldn't access from home the last month or so, and the technical
guys there were all on business trips and so I couldn't IP tunnel in there to
check the email..... I just downloaded 3400 email messages that had piled up
and am slashing and burning through them now...

> A lot of people agree with the need to respond to the Luddite threat.
> Did you catch the announcement Natasha sent out about the Progress Action
> Coalition?
> Take a look at <>.

I had not seen the post yet, but this looks great. Sorry if I was responding to
such an old post..... Just thought of an interesting play on it: the PRogress
ACTIon CoALition.....PRACTICAL, implying that luddism is not....

Mike Lorrey

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