RE: Re-crafting the extropian image [Was: RE: Norman Spinrad on THE SPIKE]

From: Ben Goertzel (
Date: Wed Jun 06 2001 - 06:52:20 MDT

Eliezer wrote:
> I think Ben is visualizing something on a somewhat larger scale...
> apparently the concept is that Mondo is gone and Wired is SL1, so there's
> an unexploited ecological niche for a future tech magazine that actually
> "gets it". It'd take at least one project leader willing to devote her

Ummm... eli -- what happened to "ver" ??

> life to it, though, at least if you want to reach for a 100,000
> circulation such as Mondo had at its height. There's a lot of
> technoliterati magazines already out there, not just Wired.

I know there are others out there, but none come anywhere close to living up
to the potential of what could be created in this niche. Do they? Can you
point out one that does?

I also agree that someone would have to emerge as the workhorse and champion
of this project. I could contribute a lot of writing, and there are surely
others here with some journalistic experience who could as well. But I
already have too many projects running, obviously, so there's no way I can
take the lead on this one.



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