nano energy machines

From: Fractal A. (
Date: Tue Jun 05 2001 - 14:08:32 MDT

I'm not sure if this sort of thought belongs here or not...but I'd like to try
to talk about this here.

As for my background, I'm a BS of Computer Science person with a Minor in Math.
 I'm one project short of being finished.

Is it possible to have nano machines that were capable of harvesting energy?
How do nanomachines run? What sort of power source is required? Would it work
to have a bunch of tiny tiny windmill things that react to the slightest breeze
and produce a lot more energy than the bigger windmill things? When I say
"windmill things", I'm referring to the wind energy farms. The energy is
harvested by allowing the wind to push the 3 blade fans that are on a pole.
I've seen them in IL, north of the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign.

Would it make sense to have a bunch of tiny fans for a wind farm? The tiny
fans could model alveoli or the little food energy absorbers in the stomach. I
forgot what the "food energy absorbers" are called--i rememeber a word that
started with the letter "f"...something like flagelli or something like that.
Would it be more effective to have tons of little fans that could generate
energy as needed than to have wind farms and other things? Could this idea
work and be practical or am I just totally out there with this idea?

Thanks for the feed back!

Fractal A.

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