Re: NEWS: NASA Scramjet fails

From: Doug Jones (
Date: Sat Jun 02 2001 - 19:03:05 MDT

J Corbally wrote:
> NASA hypersonic jet fails
> >Nasa aborts the test flight of a hypersonic jet designed break the
> >aircraft speed record after a booster rocket veers out of control.
> Both vehicles were destroyed after NASA was forced to destroy the booster
> rocket, taking the craft with it. This'll probably push out the schedule
> for the next test for a while, if Bushie doesn't decide to shitcan it.

Yeah, they had a bad day, but X-43 (unlike many other "X" programs) is
doing real research with a rational program of build a little, test a
little. Expendable test vehicles do make it a tad expensive though.

However, I fail to see why President Bush would show much interest in
X-43; he has yet to nominate a new administrator for NASA, and has not
made any direct interventions in NASA's doings. I think your personal
bias is showing through here.

> Not a good day.

I agree with you on that.

Doug Jones, Rocket Plumber
XCOR Aerospace

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