Re: nuclear power

From: John Clark (
Date: Fri Jun 01 2001 - 23:12:31 MDT

John Marlow <> Wrote:

> Windscale. Idaho Falls. Brown's Ferry. Three Mile Island.

Small potatoes, especially Three Mile Island, nobody was hurt.


Not small potatoes. But Chernobyl used graphite as a neutron moderator and
graphite burns, USA reactors use water, water doesn't burn. Also Chernobyl
had no containment building, western reactors do. Does that make them 100%
safe? No. But I'd rather live next to a nuclear power plant than a coal power plant.
Fast breeder reactors give me the creeps but there are few plans to build another one.
The thing that really worries me is the plutonium that all reactors make, there are now
thousands of tons of it on this small planet. You only need about 20 pounds to make a
bomb but hay, nothing's perfect.

   John K Clark

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