Re: JPL: AI software to command mission

From: Doug Jones (
Date: Wed May 30 2001 - 17:34:44 MDT

Randy Smith wrote:
> Gee, this sounds like the most advanced use of AI, the history of
> this big, wide world, all courtesy of the biggest, fattest, tax-funded-est
> government in the history of this big, wide world.
> Of course that fact will be conveniently ignored by the
> Libertarian-Extropians on this list.

Heh. Nice troll. Actually, if you've had any exposure to the typical
NASA PR flack output in publications like NASA Tech Briefs, you quickly
learn to discount about 75% of the claims of "new, improved" coming out
of them. I know that Bob Conger at Microcosm has been marketing an
autonomous satellite navigation system for about three or four years,
only to get a deafening NIH response.

Fault tolerant system management software has been in use in various
fields for quite some time- but only NASA claims to have invented the
best, most original version. I'm underwhelmed.

Doug Jones, Rocket Engineer
XCOR Aerospace

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