Re: A voluntary Blackout?

From: Brian D Williams (
Date: Wed May 30 2001 - 08:21:02 MDT

>From: James Rogers <>

>This is a problem compared to what? Coal power produces much more
>radio-isotope waste per megawatt generated than any well-designed
>fission power plant, yet something like three-quarters of power in
>the U.S. is generated by coal. I consider radio-isotope waste to
>be a relatively minor engineering problem given the current state
>of nuclear power technologies.

>I can't really accept the waste disposal problem as an argument
>against modern fission power, when replacing existing power
>systems with fission would vastly *reduce* the total amount of
>radio-isotope waste produced.

My fault for not being clear, I see the problem as a political
problem as far as the byproducts are concerned. NIMBYISM to be

Everyone wants the benefits of nuclear power without the costs
involved. Placing the reactor as far away from the nearest
elementary school as possible is preferred. The 91.4-94.5 million
mile distance to the sun is acceptable for example. Locating a
nuclear plant outside a biosphere is a good idea.

I agree with the protests we are likely to see from the residents
of the state of Nevada on this issue.


Extropy Institute,
Adler Planetarium
Life Extension Foundation,
National Rifle Association,, 1.800.672.3888
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