Re: A voluntary Blackout?

From: James Rogers (
Date: Tue May 29 2001 - 15:02:19 MDT

At 07:31 AM 5/29/2001 -0700, Brian D Williams wrote:

>I agree that there are nuclear fission plant designs that are far
>more effective/safer than previously. However the first problem
>that needs to be solved is the issue of disposal of the byproducts.

This is a problem compared to what? Coal power produces much more
radio-isotope waste per megawatt generated than any well-designed fission
power plant, yet something like three-quarters of power in the U.S. is
generated by coal. I consider radio-isotope waste to be a relatively minor
engineering problem given the current state of nuclear power technologies.

I can't really accept the waste disposal problem as an argument against
modern fission power, when replacing existing power systems with fission
would vastly *reduce* the total amount of radio-isotope waste produced.

-James Rogers

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