Re: E5 news

From: Emlyn (
Date: Tue May 29 2001 - 00:07:27 MDT

Spike wrote:
> Good news for those coming to E5. I went downtown again today
> to scope out eateries near the Towers. I found that last time I had
> gone
> one street not far enough, for most of what I was finding then was on
> the
> upscale side. I get squicked whenever I eat in a place that has more
> than one fork, because they then expect you to know what each is
> supposed to be used for. So ask you: is there anyone here who sets
> their table at home with more than one fork? Secondly, I dislike going
> very deep into the double digits on meals. I don't eat much so it seems
> such a waste. {8^D

Dining philosophers from extro 5, one fork each... does each person actually
need a fork in each hand to eat? Watch out for deadlock...


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