Dodgy dogma, was Re: Disinformation site dossier

From: Emlyn (
Date: Sat May 26 2001 - 03:23:56 MDT


This is so wrong, if I can use that word, that I'm not sure where to begin.
I really hope it's a satirical piece; is it? If so, it could have used a
smiley or two...

Let's see...

- There's a reference to God in there, implying divine sanction. Really...
- What are we waging war on, exactly? Why?
- Who are these infidels? How do they relate to the non-extropian mass of
humanity, with whom we would desperately like to have dialog about a
positive, realistic vision of the future?
- Never give in to anything? Without the space to compromise, to adapt, to
change stance, where is intelligence? You know, if we listen hard enough to
our detractors, we might even discover that we are not correct in all
things. True!
- "Once we have a war there is only one thing to do. It must be won. For
  brings worse things than any that can ever happen in war. ." - are you
sure about this?
- "Fortune favors the brave.".... that's just you tell people, when you need
to convince them to do something foolhardy. Those people tend to end up
lauded posthumously as heroes.
- etc etc

If it really was a joke, it's totally funny... good effort. Otherwise, it's
dodgy. Extropianism tends to read a bit cultish anyway... this would confirm
the worst fears about an irrational dogmatic group of fanatics. I like,
perhaps charitably, to think that we are anything but that. Remember all
that great stuff about a dynamic, optimistic, rational approach?


----- Original Message -----
From: "Randy Smith" <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, May 25, 2001 11:58 PM
Subject: Re: Disinformation site dossier

> >From: Carlos Gonzalia <>
> >Reply-To:
> >To:
> >Subject: Disinformation site dossier
> >Date: Fri, 25 May 2001 14:40:34 +0200 (MET DST)
> >
> >Seems someone is having a mean-spirited fit about Extropy over there at
> >Disinformation. I can always trust in this site to amuse me. ;-)
> >
> >
> >
> >Also, forum discussion for said dossier (new too) here, only 1 post at
> >moment though:
> >
> >
> >
> >Carlos Gonzalia
> >
> A forum exists, say you?
> Let's have at them, then!
> As support for the battle for Extropian ideals, I offer you all these
> following inspirational quotes (crafted by my ownself) to lead all of you
> Extropians into battle against The Infidel:
> I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears, and sweat. . . . You ask,
> what is the Extropian policy? I will say: It is to wage war, by sea, land,
> and air, and on every forum on the Net, with all our might and with all
> strength God can give us. . . . You ask, what is our aim? I can answer in
> one word: It is Victory.
> Never give in - never, never, never, never, in nothing great or small,
> or petty, never give in except to convictions of honour and good sense.
> Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of
> the enemy.
> Once we have a war there is only one thing to do. It must be won. For
> brings worse things than any that can ever happen in war. .
> Go forward until the last round is fired and the last drop of gas is
> expended...then go forward on foot!
> Strength lies not in defense but in attack.
> Cry 'Havoc' and let slip the dogs of War.
> I only regret that I have but one life to lose for Extropianism.
> Who Dares, Wins. Who Sweats, Wins. Who Plans, Wins!
> Sure I am this day we are masters of our fate, that the task which has
> set before us is not above our strength; that its pangs and toils are not
> beyond our endurance. As long as we have faith in our own cause and an
> unconquerable will to win, victory will not be denied us.
> Cowards die many times before their deaths;
> the valiant never taste death but once.
> I have not yet begun to fight.
> Fortune favors the brave.
> Ask not what Extropianism can do for you;
> ask what you can do for Extropianism....
> In war there is no substitute for victory.
> If I should die, think only this of me
> That there's some corner of a foreign forum
> That is forever Extropian....
> Into battle, then!
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