Re: "the most they can do is punch you in the face"

From: Harvey Newstrom (
Date: Sat Jan 27 2001 - 09:23:30 MST

At 10:24 PM -0800 1/26/01, Ralph Lewis wrote:
> There was also a SF cyberpunk novel which had a guy driving around
>with a nuke
>in his motorcycle side car. The authorties did everything possible to
>protect him. Forgot the name of the story. Perhaps list members might
>remember it?

Wasn't that in Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson? Hiro Protagonist goes
to some sort of Rock Concert and runs into this guy on a motorcycle
who is independent of any micro-country because he has a nuke
attached to him at all times. If he dies, the nuke goes off.

Harvey Newstrom <>

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