RE: still think dems are nice?

From: Sean Kenny (
Date: Sat Jan 27 2001 - 09:29:59 MST

The British press offset this story by stating similar accusations were
levelled against the outgoing Rep adminstration 8 years ago, lots of desk
drawers were graffitied with the prophetic "we'll be back" - I don't really
see how the political pantomime in Washington has anything to do with the
extropian project. Although I do see how entertaining it is to watch.

> For those who still think the Clinton and his looters were great for our
> country, read the following article about the extent of the damage to
> the White House and Old Exec. Office bulding done by Clinton and Gore
> staffers, and how Air Force One was stripped bare by Clinton and friends
> during their 'farewell' flight.
> If freshman Senator Hillary isn't charged as accessory to looting and
> vandalism I'd be surprised. I hope the secret service searches the
> Chappaqua house for stolen goods.

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