Re: trends in brain imaging

From: Michael S. Lorrey (
Date: Fri Jan 19 2001 - 15:23:18 MST

mez wrote:
> I am preparing a report for which I am searching for the following
> data:
> Is there a trend similar to Moore's Law in brain scanning devices?
> That is to say, has there been a smooth progression in spatial and
> temporal resolution? How about cost and size?
> What brain scanning technologies are on the horizon? Are future
> generations of PET and fMRI expected to carry us through the next
> decade(s)? Are fundamentally different scanning technologies inbound?

>From what I've seen, the primary improvements are in how scanned data is
processed after collection, which is all computation and directly
related to Moore's Law. Better and faster 3d rendering seems to be the
big thing, allowing doctors to simulate their operations on a 3d model
of the actual patient before stepping into the operating room.

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