Re: trends in brain imaging

Date: Fri Jan 19 2001 - 15:35:56 MST

mez wrote:

> Is there a trend similar to Moore's Law in brain scanning devices?

No, of course. What a strange thing to say.

> That is to say, has there been a smooth progression in spatial and
> temporal resolution? How about cost and size?

Progress yes, but nothing you could fit to a straight log plot.
> What brain scanning technologies are on the horizon? Are future
> generations of PET and fMRI expected to carry us through the next
> decade(s)? Are fundamentally different scanning technologies inbound?

There's active and passive, functional and structural, destructive and
nondestructive, resolution temporal and spatial. Destructive has the
highest potential for spatial, down to submolecular resolution. MRI
microscopy stops at a few cubic microns, on tiny specimens, fMRI doesn't
see anything much faster than few 10 s, PET blah, MEG can handle time
but not space. Do a websearch.

1) What exactly do you want to know?
2) Why do you want to know?

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