Re: Clarification and limited apology

From: Brian D Williams (
Date: Tue Dec 19 2000 - 08:47:20 MST

From: Harvey Newstrom <>

>Al Gore's National Science Foundation Authorization Act of 1986
>authorized the National Science Foundation to create NSFNET. Ever
>hear of it? NSF replaced the military Arpanet as the managers of
>the Internet. This brought the Internet out of the military

Al Gore's National Science Foundation Authorization Act of 1986?
Gee that's odd Harvey, a Google search turned up a wealth of
information on this act, but not one mention of Al Gore.

Here in Illinois a local politician tried last year to claim that
her father who was chairman of the committee that approved this,
that technically he created the Internet....

>The National Science Foundation connected universities together.
>They linked in Canada and then other countries. They linked in
>e-mail first, then direct network access for UUnet, CompuServe,
>MCI Mail, The Well, and other network providers. The separate
>networks were first connected together by NSF funding. NSF
>removed commercial restrictions and then allowed ISP dial-access
>from private homes. NSF established the InterNIC to manage the
>network. The upgrade to 56K backbone was funded by NSF. The
>upgrade to T1 backbone was funded by NSF.

I know how it works Harvey, I do this for a living, as I pointed
out I've been permanently online since the fall of 1989. I
witnessed many of these events firsthand.

>Exactly what exact part of this "Information Superhighway" do you
>claim was never built?

None of it.

>Read some selected Internet history from Hobb's Internet Timeline
>at <>:

Thanks, this is a handy online reference, I prefer Katie Hafner and
Michael Lyons 1996 book "Where Wizards Stay up Late: The origins of
the Internet".

1969 ARPANET commissioned by DoD
1981 National Science Foundation funds CSNET for researchers
1983 CSNET/ARPANET gateway established to form first
1984 Number of Internet hosts reaches 1000

That darn Google, I found lot's of references to this act, but no
mention of Al Gore, hey wait a minute! neither your reference above
nor "Where Wizards Stay up late mentions him in connection with
this either! Conspiracy!

1986 NSFNET created with 56K links
1987 Number of Internet hosts reaches 10,000

Yep that Goggle is broke, no mention of this either, although if
you leave off the Al Gore part you can come up with some
references. This does not appear to have been approved, in fact not
till 1991. Neither of the above cited references helps either.

1988 NSFNET upgraded to T1 lines
1989 Number of Internet hosts reaches 100,000
1990 ARPANET shuts down
1990 Canada Net connects to NSFNET

Hey good news, there is some reference to him in this although it
of course is not named as identified as above.

1991 NSFNET removes commercial restrictions from Internet
1992 Number of Internet hosts reaches 1,000,000
1993 InterNIC created by NSF to provide Internet Services
1995 NSF creates new NSFNET just for research, leaving original
NSFNET infrastructure in place as Internet backbone

First of all, almost all of your previous post came word for word

What ever happened to the part Al approved that made the Internet
available to all of us, you know the part I disproved by
demonstrating I had been online since 1989?

Now how about some important dates you decided to leave out:

1969 first IMP goes online (official birthdate of the Internet)
1994 25th anniversary of the creation of the Internet.

Al has had a long interest in this granted, but almost from the
start he has tried to create a Big Brother Big Government version
of the Internet. A government run monopoly to replace the then
thriving Internet. These attempts failed.

He was neither the central reason or an essential element in the
Internet's creation, as recognized by the people who did create it.

The history of the Internet is well known, and well documented, and
will not be successfully re-written by Al's supporters, even by
posting the same post to the list three times.....

The fact is Al has supported every attempt at regulating the
Internet, censoring the Internet, as well as the Digital telephony
act which as I stated previously put a government back door into
every telephone C.O.

The Clipper Chip...

The prosecution of Phil Zimmerman.....


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