Re: forward masking (was: Re: Hugos)

Date: Tue Dec 19 2000 - 08:31:05 MST

In a message dated 12/19/00 2:40:49 AM Pacific Standard Time,
writes:<< Typing certainly doesn't require consciousness. I recall one
> when I turned around to talk to someone - my brother, in fact - and found,
> when I turned back, that some keywords had been typed on the screen. At
> the very least, the word-to-finger connection is direct and does not
> require conscious attention. >>

    At twenty I was an American Sailor learning to fly as a radioman on a
seaplane. My one great ambition was to be a pilot and in addition I was
wooing the girl back home with letters. With that as background here goes.
    I used to sit in front of my typewriter copying Morse code, look out the
window at the airfield where planes were coming & going and compose long
letters, to my beloved, in my head.
    How did it work out? I won the girl, eventually got to be a pilot and
graduated first in my class in radio school. So yes, the other stories on
this thread of folks doing parallel tasks are entirely believeable.
Ron h.

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