Re: Identity, copies, and survival [Was: Re: Immortality]

From: Harvey Newstrom (
Date: Tue Dec 12 2000 - 07:32:00 MST

>I confess that I've only briefly skimmed this discussion But, from
>what I've read, I suspect some of the disagreement might result from
>not having distinguished two senses of identity:
>Numerical (or logical) identity and qualitative identity.

This is my take exactly.

>If this is part of the disagreement, both sides may not disagree as
>much as it seems, since these two views are consistent.

I also believe this. Different viewpoints have different goals for
which components of identity they want to preserve. There is no
incompatibility with these two views. All sides, as far as I can
tell, could sign up for a service and have their wishes processed.
All these options are available, and it is personal choice which one
is desired.


A classic and classy reference.

>Does anyone know how many times this topic has been discussed on the
>Extropians list since 1991? :-) Each time usually something new is
>said. Strange how we "extrobots" can have such continual and
>vigorous intellectual disagreements. :-)

We're trying to beat the record by the g.u.n. discussions. (Maybe
this should be on a separate list as well?)

I don't know if this is the same as the original discussion, or
merely a copy....

Harvey Newstrom <>

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