Re: Identity, copies, and survival [Was: Re: Immortality]

From: John Clark (
Date: Tue Dec 12 2000 - 09:01:23 MST

 Max More <> Wrote:

>What matters is that there be a continuous chain of psychological continuity
>and connectedness over time,

Yes, or to put it another way, If the "copy" remembers being me then it is me.

>but the difficult question of whether MaxB2001's survival would ameliorate the
>death of MaxC2001 is more tricky.

If I was MaxC2001 and about to die the survival of MaxB2001 might give me a little
comfort but not a lot, especially if we went out separate ways a long time ago.
I don't remember being MaxB2001 so he's not me, or at least not entirely me,
I remember being MaxA2000.

>My view is that it's a matter of degree. (I seem to disagree with
>John here. Or am I misinterpreting what I ready by you, John?) There's no
>sharp cut-off line for me.

I don't think we disagree much, I don't think survival is a all or nothing matter.

>The more recently I backed up my self, the more comfortable I am with the
>idea that the revived copy is me (or enough-me).


         John K Clark

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