Re: Immortality

From: John Clark (
Date: Mon Dec 11 2000 - 13:29:35 MST

Steve Nichols <> Wrote:

> Everyone involved in this discussion is flailing about hopelessly
>because M.V.T. is the correct (thus only) solution to the mind-body problem.

Even overlooking the fact that there is little evidence supporting the idea this
pineal gland business is a bit old fashioned isn't it. I don't see how it could
answer any of the questions we've been asking even if it were true.

> It is very obviously and indisputably true that any circuit (brains
>included) *must* include at least some infinite-state capacity in order to

It most certainly is not obvious and I do dispute it.

> "consciousness" [...] happened in evolution only since the pineal eye disappeared.

You seem very sure of that but, forgive me for asking, how do you know when animals
first became conscious? For that matter, how do you know I'm conscious?

> End of discussion

Well it's really nice that now we know all there is to know about consciousness.
Only trouble is you've put a lot of philosophers out of work and they can be a mean
bunch when they get liquored up late on Saturday night, so be careful.

          John K Clark

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