Re: Immortality

From: Jason Joel Thompson (
Date: Sun Dec 10 2000 - 17:03:52 MST

----- Original Message -----
From: "Harvey Newstrom" <>

Although the copy question is always entertaining, I
> am not sure what its usefulness is. Creating a new "me" is only half
> the question. How do we handle the old "me"? Killing it or letting
> it die is not a solution. That "solution" is the exact event I am
> trying to prevent!

Total agreement here Harvey, and I am consequently interested in upload
vectors that expand/transfer/enhance my current subjective experience of
reality. Despite the fact that a destructive 'copy-load' is probably, in
theory, the easiest way to upload, I think its clear that the interimn
strategy of adding hardware to our current facilities might give us some
empowering upload options that preserve the original 'flame.'


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