Re: Immortality

From: Jason Joel Thompson (
Date: Sun Dec 10 2000 - 16:53:21 MST

----- Original Message -----
From: <>

> Are they the same book, or aren't they? Can the clerk and I have a useful
> discussion on the matter? Aren't we just arguing about words?

You -are- arguing about words, but the reason you can have the argument is
because there is both 'sameness' and 'differentness' between the books. The
information is the same, the physical instance of the information in reality
is different. If your instance of the book has a big coffee stain on page
16, you can be understandably interested in having a 'different' book.
However, as you've pointed out, if you dislike the information contained
therein, another instance of the book promises a critical 'sameness': the


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