Re: Immortality

Date: Sun Dec 10 2000 - 14:28:26 MST

Emlyn writes, regarding using information + atoms to generate consciousness:
> Undoubtedly. But in no way is it the same consciousness as that from which
> the original information was garnered.

I think a lot of this debate is fruitless because ultimately it is a
question about what the word "same" means in this context.

Imagine that I buy a book from a bookstore that offers a 100% satisfaction
guarantee. I start to read it, but I don't like it, so I take it back
and ask to exchange it.

"Certainly, sir. Here you go," says the clerk, handing me another copy
of the same title.

"But that's the same book!"

"No, it isn't. See, you have a book there, and I have one here.
They're not the same at all!"

Are they the same book, or aren't they? Can the clerk and I have a useful
discussion on the matter? Aren't we just arguing about words?


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