Re: BOOKS: Muscle Mechanics

From: Brian D Williams (
Date: Tue Nov 28 2000 - 08:26:34 MST

From: "Jason Joel Thompson" <>

>Can you briefly share some of the core elements of the unique
>thought that Mr Aaberg is bringing this field?

I don't have it with me today but here goes.

One of the things I liked was his approaching the whole issue from
the perspective of biomechanics. He gives an excellent introduction
to the various parts of the skeletal system, muscles and joints and
how they interelate. Simple things, like pointing out that muscles
can't push, they can only contract and use bones as levers. Sounds
simple but it affects the way you think about things. Or the fact
that weights don't actually do anything, it is GRAVITY which only
moves in one direction (towards the center of the earth) so
naturally this is the precise direction the weight should travel
for maximum effectiveness. Simple things like making sure the
exercise is oriented along the length of the fiber, which is the
direction it contracts in.

He argues against the confusion of all the different names for
exercises and proposes an effective nomenclature. It has three
parts, the first being the type of resistance, the second the
muscle being worked, and the third being the activity. For example
a "bench press" becomes either a "barbell chest press, a "dumbell
chest press," or a "smith machine chest press". Simple but very

In the long section on different exercises he will show several
ways to work each muscle with both free weights and machines. Each
page has a black and white drawing of the body with the muscles
being worked shaded in blue, also a list of the muscles involved.
Very effective.

I like the way he argues for maximizing effective exercise while
minimizing any chance of injury.

In short he imparts a great deal of knowledge in a very effective

I own a number of books on the subject and found this one both
unique and a valuble addition. I thought it would be particularly
good for beginners, and yet, it has plenty of information for more
advanced users. I found it very extropian in scope.


Extropy Institute,
Adler Planetarium
Life Extension Foundation,
National Rifle Association,, 1.800.672.3888
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