BOOKS: Muscle Mechanics

From: Brian D Williams (
Date: Mon Nov 27 2000 - 08:54:24 MST

                        Muscle Mechanics
     Correct technique for 73 resistance training exercises
                         Everett Aaberg
                       ISBN 0-88011-796-6

This is a book that's so well done that it's convinced me I was
doing something wrong just from the preface. From now on it's not
"weightlifting" it's "resistance training".

Check out this obviously extropian paragraph from the preface:

" Throughout our lives, most of us have learned certain things
which we may have developed very strong feelings and opinions
about. Eventually these beliefs are challenged, and we are forced
to question them. Fitness is still a relatively young field of
study. We should look on any new ideas presented with an open mind
and perhaps analyze the validity of our present beliefs. Many
times, if we trace them to their origins, we will find that our
present beliefs have been passed on to us from less-than-reliable

Mr Aaberg is a instructor with the Cooper Institute for Aerobic
Research for a specialty certificate entitled " The Biomechanics of
Strength Training."

Darn good stuff.


Extropy Institute,
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Life Extension Foundation,
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