Re: An Integral Psychology

From: Franklin Wayne Poley (
Date: Mon Nov 20 2000 - 14:40:41 MST

On Mon, 20 Nov 2000, Ken Clements wrote:

> Franklin Wayne Poley wrote:
> >
> > You mean you are the agar jelly upon which the bacteria
> > of life thrive.
> > FWP
> Franklin, the bacteria of life ARE bacteria, and yes, they do thrive on and in me as they
> do on and in you. They have wonderful genetic pattern integrity that has done them well
> for about three billion years. We will have to live quite long to see if any of the
> memes do as well.
> -Ken

If, however, this entity we call "me" or "I" is in the category of
phenomena which are real but not material (like the vacuum of space), then
we have an amazing condition of something physical (a genetic pattern,
etc.) living under overall control of an entity which is not physical. So
I guess the agar jelly analogy breaks down.

It is now reasonable to plan a megaproject on the scale of the
International Space Station which would lead to Superhuman AI in 10 yrs:
Machine Psychology:

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