Re: Classism

From: Brian D Williams (
Date: Thu Sep 28 2000 - 08:58:32 MDT

From: Samantha Atkins <>

>>Brian D Williams wrote:
>> From: Samantha Atkins <>
>>Sure. But bit by bit it is something we are doing anyway. All
>>the hardware now has to be dragged out of the bag, briefcase,
>>pocket and is very primitive. This is changing. Many expect
>>humans to be online (at least white collar humans) pretty much
>>continuously by 2009. The wearable revolution is a precursor to
>>the next step.
>>"White collar"? Carefull, classism is the moral equivalent of

>SIGH. Boring. I simply mean those folks who are taking to
>computers the quickest and use them the most in their work will be
>the first to change to the next level of augmentation.

My point was that by avoiding stereotypical terminology we can
hopefully avoid stereotypical thinking. (carefull I'll evoke

I understand computers to the component level, have followed Xerox
PARC and the media lab at MIT since their inceptions (including the
wearable computing list) and have been the network premise engineer
for a major data/routing center since it was built, but still run
into prejudice when people find out I'm "blue collar".

Gotta go, I've got to get two new cisco 7507's in by noon.


Extropy Institute,
Adler Planetarium
Life Extension Foundation,
National Rifle Association,, 1.800.672.3888
Mars Society,
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