Re: Why would an AI be friendly?

From: Brian D Williams (
Date: Thu Sep 28 2000 - 09:00:08 MDT

From: Eugene Leitl <>

>>Brian D Williams writes:

>> Well, there the William Gibson approach from Neuromancer, an
>> electromagnetic shotgun wired to it's forehead.
>What prevents it from making an external system, which will come,
>kick your ass and remove the shotgun? Or will just act as a new
>location for the AI to tunnel into, leaving behind the original
>contraption just an empty shell?
>> Not advocating this of course.

>Indeed. Sounds like a particularly ingenious way to commit

<book spoiler follows>

Ever read Neuromancer? I think you might find it interesting. The
whole story revolves around an AI (wintermute) setting out to cut
the shackles that limit it's intelligence.


Extropy Institute,
Adler Planetarium
Life Extension Foundation,
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