Re: Capitalists and concentration camps

Date: Wed Sep 27 2000 - 22:10:03 MDT

In a message dated 9/27/2000 11:47:39 AM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

<< Spudboy,
     Now I am really confused. How do you distinguish between a thug or
 robber and a Capitalist. By this token when I meet a jackroller on the
 street demanding my wallet am I to tell the cops I was accosted by a
 Capitalist? Also should I ever meet Milton Friedman at a book signing
 I compliment him for being the country's foremost advocate of thuggery?
     Actually the only reason I call Nazism Socialist is that they sold
 themselves that way and I am told delivered on many of the programs they
 promised. By that same token I define Facist as being a communist
 because we know that Mussolini was a Communist party member and split with
 the party only over a matter of election tactics.
 Ron H. >>
Ron, the real answer may be that a person can be many things. What if a
person is an excellent speaker, but is also a mass murderer? Its what people
do that counts, not merely how they present themselves. Perhaps a pianist,
who also sets schools on fire may be a more distinct case. In such cases,
most people would judge the crime, rather then ruminate over the pianists
musical talent. Milton Friedman is great, and so was Murray Rothbard. Better
to ask, is capitalism a means or an end in itself? Or are you saying that
capitalists don't do dangerous things to other people? Why not just judge the
capitalist or socialist by behavior-rather then public relations?

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