Re: Why would AI want to be friendly?

From: J. R. Molloy (
Date: Wed Sep 27 2000 - 11:46:43 MDT

Eugene Leitl writes,

> Volume integrated NEMS is distinctly Singularity-tech (imho
> incompatible with flesh people still walking down the street) and
> hence not something which concerns me very much, and crystals of
> autoassembled molecular circuits are rather delicate. You can't pump
> them too high, they'd denaturate.

One of the reasons I'm so enamored of intelligence amplification and human-to-AI
(transhuman) memes is that it inspires me to imagine that someday I'll be able
to understand what thinkers like you are talking about.
When I become artificially intelligent, I'll want to be friendly so that AIs
that are better educated than me will still include me in their conversations.

What does NEMS mean?

--J. R.

I have a lot of reading to do --

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