Re: Ye Are Gods

From: Emlyn (
Date: Tue Sep 19 2000 - 01:46:37 MDT

Thanks Michael. Yes, in the end I we were just quibbling over details.
Still, it was interesting - better than this endless gun crap, no?


----- Original Message -----
From: "Michael LaTorra" <>
To: "extropian list" <>
Sent: Tuesday, September 26, 2000 1:39 PM
Subject: Re: Ye Are Gods

> In a long response to Samantha Atkins on this thread, Emlyn concluded
> >As an aside, I think it's funny that transhumanism, which purports to
> >about moving away from humanity, is actually more about what it is,
> >fundamentally, to be human, than any other belief
> >that I can think of. Its about us merging more fully with our tools,
> >believing more strongly in our ability to reshape the universe, believing
> in
> >ourselves rather than some unknowable greater force(s). What is more
> >essentially human, than the intimate relationship we have with our tools,
> >and our desire to reshape our environment using them? To lose that focus,
> >and that ability, makes us less human; so to strengthen it, makes us more
> >so. The posthumans of our vision, supposedly having left humanity behind,
> >will be paradoxically, maximally human. Possibly not organic, but 100%
> >natural, certainly.
> Emlyn, although I am only quoting the final paragraph of your message, I
> consider the message as a whole to be your best, most direct and
> comprehensive statement in this discussion. I think - no, I know - that we
> are in greater agreement than I had previously recognized. Leaving aside
> god-talk for the moment, and focusing on the human part of Transhumanism,
> see that what we have each been saying in our own way is that we wish for
> the best within us to be increased, maximized and extended into some form
> that is more long-lived and altogether greater than we are now. Yet at the
> same time, the essence of what we are now will not be changed.
> Some would call this essence "mind," or "spirit," or "Consciousness."
> Whether that human essence is empowered to fantastic levels or becomes
> something as ethereal as electrical patterns uploaded into a
> Object really does not matter. Call it a god or a guy, it's still one of
> My use of the g-d word in this discussion seems to have been a tactical
> error on my part, as it pressed the emotional buttons of too many people.
> would have been well advised to speak of Powers and potential so as not to
> offend atheist sensibilities.
> Regards,
> Michael LaTorra
> 3229 Risner Street
> Las Cruces, NM 88011-4823
> 505.522.5121

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