Re: Ye Are Gods

From: Michael LaTorra (
Date: Mon Sep 25 2000 - 21:39:44 MDT

In a long response to Samantha Atkins on this thread, Emlyn concluded with:

>As an aside, I think it's funny that transhumanism, which purports to being
>about moving away from humanity, is actually more about what it is,
>fundamentally, to be human, than any other belief system/philosophy/vision
>that I can think of. Its about us merging more fully with our tools,
>believing more strongly in our ability to reshape the universe, believing
>ourselves rather than some unknowable greater force(s). What is more
>essentially human, than the intimate relationship we have with our tools,
>and our desire to reshape our environment using them? To lose that focus,
>and that ability, makes us less human; so to strengthen it, makes us more
>so. The posthumans of our vision, supposedly having left humanity behind,
>will be paradoxically, maximally human. Possibly not organic, but 100%
>natural, certainly.

Emlyn, although I am only quoting the final paragraph of your message, I
consider the message as a whole to be your best, most direct and
comprehensive statement in this discussion. I think - no, I know - that we
are in greater agreement than I had previously recognized. Leaving aside the
god-talk for the moment, and focusing on the human part of Transhumanism, I
see that what we have each been saying in our own way is that we wish for
the best within us to be increased, maximized and extended into some form
that is more long-lived and altogether greater than we are now. Yet at the
same time, the essence of what we are now will not be changed.

Some would call this essence "mind," or "spirit," or "Consciousness."
Whether that human essence is empowered to fantastic levels or becomes
something as ethereal as electrical patterns uploaded into a Supercomputing
Object really does not matter. Call it a god or a guy, it's still one of us.

My use of the g-d word in this discussion seems to have been a tactical
error on my part, as it pressed the emotional buttons of too many people. I
would have been well advised to speak of Powers and potential so as not to
offend atheist sensibilities.


Michael LaTorra

3229 Risner Street
Las Cruces, NM 88011-4823


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