Re: Why would AI want to be friendly?

From: Zero Powers (
Date: Sat Sep 23 2000 - 22:58:21 MDT

>From: "J. R. Molloy" <>

>From: "Zero Powers" <>
> > >Capitalists have never:
> > >
> > >a) operated concentration camps
> > >b) exterminated people they refused to do business with
> >
> > Ever heard of a group of folks called "Native Americans?"
>Since when are Native Americans Socialists or Communists?

Hmmm. They hunted together and shared the spoils with the entire tribe.
Each one worked according to his own ability, and consumed according to his
need. What would you call that, capitalism?

>If they were exterminated, how come they're still around?

Learned your American history from Lone Ranger re-runs, eh? Many tribes are
no longer around. If what happened to the natives doesn't qualify as
"extermination" because there are still some people left on the planet who
refer to themselves as Native Americans, then there has never been an
exterminated people in all of human history.


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