Re: Why would AI want to be friendly?

From: Zero Powers (
Date: Sat Sep 23 2000 - 22:51:47 MDT

>From: "J. R. Molloy" <>

>From: "Zero Powers" <>
> > I believe at some point AI will say to itself, "What is the best course
> > endeavor for me, considering the kind of being I am?" I highly doubt it
> > will answer that question by saying "The best thing for me to do is obey
> > commands of these ignoramus humans, because that's what they tell me to
>How about, "The best thing for me to do is to obey the commands of humans,
>because if I don't, they will terminate me."

What makes you think we'll be able to terminate a being which is orders of
magnitude more intelligent than we are? And even if we could, what makes
you think AI will be bribable? Why should it *care* whether it is
terminated? Particularly when its existence consists mostly of slave labor?

Try putting yourself in the AI's shoes. How would *you* react? Me thinks
that if you start the human-AI relationship on the basis of fear, threats
and mistrust, it is the humans who will come out with the short end of the


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