Re: Living a good life

From: Brian Atkins (
Date: Tue Sep 19 2000 - 14:01:25 MDT

Jason Joel Thompson wrote:
> Hi Dan.
> > Clearly, if I set the imaginary payoffs of my imaginary Doors just
> > right, choosing productivity behind Door #2 over happiness behind Door
> > #1 might not only be a good idea, it might be downright irrational to
> > the point of stupidity to choose today's happiness in exchange for the
> > free time of an eternity.
> I don't think you're really choosing between happiness and productivity
> here, since ostensibly, what you hope to buy with your productivity is long
> term happiness.
> If the question is, do you think one should trade short term happiness for
> long term happiness? The answer is yes.

Yes, but only if necessary. If you're young enough today, and willing to
take a little risk you could completely slack off in whatever job makes
you happiest- betting on the idea that the technologies of these upcoming
times will eventually become so abundant that you achieve long term survival.

Brian Atkins
Director, Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence

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