Re: Raising children, spouses, and friends

From: Samantha Atkins (
Date: Tue Sep 19 2000 - 13:11:39 MDT

I have had several long term mates, of both genders and before and after
my own change. About 60% of them were more or less uncomfortable with
transhuman ideas. Two of them were completely closed minded on the
subject. Which was one of the reasons the relationship did not last.
The longest relationship to date was for 10 years. The current love of
my life is as into this stuff as I am. Which is one of the things I
love about her.

I have two natural children, male and female, 15 and 12. Back when I
transitioned the courts apparently thought that made me some kind of
pervert as I lost all custodial and visitation rights. That hasn't
stopped me from supporting them for all of these years and mostly
supporting my ex too. So I guess I should say that I have two children
and none.

- samantha

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