Re: The Future of Work

From: Doug Jones (
Date: Tue Sep 19 2000 - 00:30:47 MDT

Samantha Atkins wrote:

[Many telling points deleted for brevity]
> So now you know just a bit more about me. Often, while I have nothing
> to be ashamed of, I don't mention that part of my history simply because
> most people haven't much of a clue what that is and is not about.
> Images from Jerry Springer or some such nonsense dance through their
> heads. Or they think in dozens of stereotypes and think that I must fit
> in some or most of them. Which of course I mostly don't. Or they see
> it as a <gag me> "lifestyle choice". Increasingly I believe the only
> way to counteract the lack of understanding and the stereotypes is for
> more real people who are TS to simply be open. So howdy. Pleased to
> meet you.

More power to you- I've met a few TS/TG folks, and I simply treat them
as people... the CEO of Applied Space Resources, Denise Norris, is TG,
and I was amused to see the incomprehension of most of the engineers at
a space conference who met her but didn't notice a thing. I suppose
engineers are notoriously oblivious- but she is at least 6'3", not
exactly a delicate flower...

I was pretty pleased with most of the people who *did* finally realize
her status- they thought about it, mentally shrugged, and carried on
because it was irrelevant. The consensus was, "Oh, so Denise is
transgendered? So what. I still think that dog is a stupid mascot for
the lunar retriever..."

For more about ASR, see I really would like
to see them succeed, but I ain't sure they can get the investment they

Doug Jones
Rocket Plumber, XCOR Aerospace

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