Re: self-extracting zipware AI 'casting

From: John Clark (
Date: Tue Sep 19 2000 - 00:01:05 MDT

Michael S. Lorrey <> Wrote:

>>No. Gamma ray and radio photons are both bosons, they have integer spin so they
>>are not bound by The Pauli Exclusion Principle. Two photons can be in the same
>>quantum state but no two particles with half integer spin, like electrons, can be.
>>It's a good thing that things don't work as you suggest, if photons had half integer spins
>>and thus could not be in the same place at the same time then you couldn't see the moon
>>or the stars or even the man sitting next to you. Photons from an object you wanted to look
>>at would collide and be hopelessly scrambled by photons moving at right angles to them.
>>You'd be blind as a bat.

> Really?

Yes really.

>Then please oh please ESPLAIN to me how it is that things like
>interference patterns, scalar waves, signal interference, EMI and AMC work

When a boson like a light photon hits a photographic plate is has an effect precisely
because the photographic plate is not a boson, it's made of fermions like electrons neutrons
and protons. When two light photons hit the plate each has an effect on it, hence the
interference pattern. When two bosons like light photons hit each other the effect is zero.

>> Why all this neutrino business, radio works just fine, if it's nor broken don't fix it.

> Partly because we know it annoys you John.

OK, that I understand, I've even been known to do such things myself.

                 John K Clark

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